I was off from work today, for the first time in 13 days! With the weather predicted to be sunny and the temperature in the low 70'sF, it seemed just right to trike my old haunt, Shelter Island. I started my ride at 3999.9 miles, and rode about 45 hilly Island miles.
After Labor Day, the island is just about deserted, which makes for open roads and great water views. The terrain on Shelter Island is varied, including some good hills, rollers, and flat cruising. All in all, it has always been a great training ground for me off season.
At about 20 miles, I pulled into town and had lunch at Marie Eiffel's. My favorite there is always warm Brie + Ham on a Baguette, with some unsweetened organic Green Tea. It is just enough to power me on for the rest of the ride.
Not being in a rush, I took a little time relaxing on the trike and listening to the sound of the waves on the shoreline. So far, I have completed four Century rides on my Catrike Expedition. I would like to do more next season, including a 200KM Brevet. Over the Winter, I would like to make some speed modifications to make this accomplishment more likely. Stay tuned.